Welcome to Euro-VO ICE - Euro-VO International Cooperation Empowerment

This is the web-based collaboration area of the Euro-VO International Cooperation Empowerment project. This project is a Coordination Action supported by EU in the framework of the FP7 initiative (INFRA-2010-2.3.3 Research Infrastructures, project 261541). It started on 1 September 2010, for an initial duration of 12 months, extended to an additional year to continue the coordination of Virtual Observatory projects at the European level. It will thus end on 31 August 2012.

EuroVO-ICE succeeds the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative Euro-VO Astronomical Infrastructure for Data Access (EuroVO-AIDA), which ended on 31 July 2010, and the FP6 Coordination Action Euro-VO Data Centre Allliance (EuroVO-DCA, 2008-2010).


  • Project end: 31 August 2012

  • Project start: 1 September 2010

General information

EuroVO-ICE Bodies

Work Packages

  • WP1: Management
  • WP2: Strategy, Governance and Liaisons
  • WP3: Coordination of take-up activities
  • WP4: European and international coordination of technological activities
  • WP5: Coordination of education and outreach activities

FP7-cap-RGB.gif einfrastructure.png

EuroVO ICE Web Utilities

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Topic revision: r23 - 2013-02-27 - FabioPasian
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