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Investigating the galaxy cluster A1656 (Coma Cluster)
Study_of_the_Coma_cluster_Abell_1656_v2.pdf. Step by step guide:
Script_A1656_v4.pdf , and a more expanded presentation
Note: All three guides have numbered sections so that you can easily switch from one guide to the other in the course of the tutorial.
WARNING: because of a problem with the expressions involving rPmag in the subset window of Topcat, you should use
$ID instead of rPmag in any expression defining a subset of the SDSS table with all columns with ID=72 in case your SDSS catalog has all columns.
The Pleiades star cluster. This is an optional science case that uses VOPlot instead of TOPcat for plotting and selecting sources. The links to the tutorials can be found
here and
CarolineBot - 2011-02-07