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Tech Forum Two


12th-14th April 2011


Tues 12th
  12:30 Registration & lunch  
  14:00 Welcome [Keith] PDF
  14:10 The future of the Euro-VO and the current situation at ESO and ESA [Fabio]  
  14:30 Obstap WD : current status [Mireille] PDF
  14:50 Photometry data model [Mireille] PDF
  15:10 How can we make VO a lasting resource for education? [Massimo / Giulia] .pdf
  15:30 Feedback on the Euro-VO ICE 2011 school EuroVOICEschool.pdf
  15:30 Coffee break  
  16:00 Characterisation version 2.0 [François] pdf
  16:20 Providing Photometric Data Measurements Description in VOTables [Sébastien] photomDescription.pdf
  16:40 UWS Futures [Paul] .pdf
  17:00 Finish  
Weds 13th
  09:00 Plans for Day Two [Keith]  
  09:05 Best spectral fitting UWS service and SSA/full characterisation services integration (demo) [Igor]  
  09:30 Theory and GRID: the BaSTI case [Patrizia ] .pdf
  09:50 SAMP Web Profile [Mark] .pdf
  10:10 Feedback about new user interfaces and interactions / VOSpace 2.0 implementation and other IVOA work status [André] PDF
  10:30 Coffee break  
  11:00 Data access and data link in the post Obstap DAL landscape (demo) [François] PDF
  11:30 TOPCAT TAP client [Mark] .pdf
  11:55 UWS library; a new version [Grégory] PDF
  12:15 VO-Dance: a simple service publisher [Marco] .pdf
  12:30 Lunch  
    Hackathon (with coffee at 15:30)  
  19:00 Dinner at OATs  
Thurs 14th
  09:00 Day Three [Keith]  
    Hackathon (continued)  
  10:30 Coffee break  
  11:00 Hackathon: actions & conclusions (part 1)  
  11:30 Hackathon: actions & conclusions (part 2)  
  12:00 Euro-VO: Review & Plans [Keith]  
  12:30 Finish & lunch  


The Planning meetings will be held at Trieste, Italy, 12th-14th April 2011 at the INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, on the "Villa Bazzoni" (Via Riccardo Bazzoni 2, 34124 Trieste). Please refer to directions on how to get there.

Two meeting rooms will be available in the "Villa Bazzoni" building, one with 50 seats, the other for about 15 people.

Wi-fi will be available. To connect, participants are requested to provide the MAC address of the wireless card of their laptops at registration time, or via an email to the INAF-OATs system administrators ( and ; copy to

Coffee breaks and lunches (and the dinner on Wednesday) will be served in the hall of "Villa Bazzoni".


Please book your hotel rooms directly. Hotels in the centre of Trieste will be convenient as the Observatory is within walking distance (15-20 min).

The Friuli Venezia Giulia Tourist office has useful travel links including accommodation booking

A list of hotels with a special agreement (yellow emphasize) can be found here: hotel.pdf

Getting to Trieste

The observatory is located in downtown (but uphill!) near the S.Giusto castle. Please refer to directions on how to get there.


Weather forecasts for the Trieste area can be retrieved here.

Workshop dinner

A buffet dinner will be served on Wednesday in the hall of the "Villa Bazzoni" building.


For any help, request, comment don't hesitate to contact:

Riccardo Smareglia, +39 040 3199 184, smareglia @

Giulia Iafrate, +39 040 3199 273, iafrate @


Name Institute Tues 12th Weds 13th Thurs 14st Dinner Accommodation
Keith Noddle University of Edinburgh Y Y Y Y Y
MarkTaylor ARI Heidelberg/Bristol Y Y Y Y Y
Dave Morris Bristol Y Y Y Y Y
AndreSchaaff Observatoire de Strasbourg/CDS Y Y Y Y Y
Andy Lawrence University of Edinburgh Y Y Y Y Y
Mark Holliman Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh Y Y Y Y Y
Riccardo Smareglia INAF - OATS Y Y Y Y  
Massimo Ramella INAF - OATS Y Y Y Y  
Alberto Micol ESO Y Y Y Y  
GiuliaIafrate INAF - OATs Y Y Y Y  
FabioPasian INAF - OATs Y Y Y Y  
Paul Harrison JBCA Manchester Y Y Y Y Y
Paolo Padovani ESO Y Y Y Y Y
Marco Molinaro INAF - OATs Y Y Y N  
François Bonnarel Observatoire de Strasbourg/CDS Y Y Y Y Y
Sebastien Derriere Observatoire de Strasbourg/CDS Y Y Y Y Y
Mireille Louys Observatoire de Strasbourg/CDS Y Y Y Y Y
Patrizia Manzato INAF - OATs Y Y Y N  
Grégory Mantelet Observatoire de Strasbourg/CDS Y Y Y Y Y
Luigi Paioro INAF - IASF Milano Y Y Y Y Y
Igor Chilingarian CDS Y Y Y Y Y
Mark Allen CDS Y Y Y Y  
Norman Gray University of Glasgow, UK Y Y Y Y Y
Cristina Knapic INAF-OATs Y Y Y N  

-- KeithNoddle - 2011-02-22

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf AccessDataHealpix.pdf r1 manage 1929.9 K 2011-04-13 - 20:46 UnknownUser integrating Aladin Healpix mode ion the DAL architecture
PDFpdf Char2.pdf r1 manage 478.3 K 2011-04-14 - 10:03 UnknownUser Characterisation version 2 in action
PDFpdf EuroVO-ICE-Trieste-CDS-AS.pdf r1 manage 2886.0 K 2011-04-13 - 09:31 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf EuroVOICEschool.pdf r1 manage 2288.0 K 2011-04-12 - 15:38 UnknownUser Feedback on EuroVO-ICE school
PDFpdf ObsTAPWDstatusICEt.pdf r1 manage 137.3 K 2011-04-12 - 18:08 UnknownUser current status on Obstap
PDFpdf PhotometryDMcurrentStatus.pdf r1 manage 150.0 K 2011-04-12 - 17:48 UnknownUser photometry data model summary
PDFpdf Ramella_Iafrate.pdf r1 manage 1082.8 K 2011-04-12 - 10:00 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf UWSFutures.pdf r2 r1 manage 3037.6 K 2011-04-12 - 14:32 UnknownUser Planning for the future of UWS
PDFpdf UWS_Library_VOICE_042010.pdf r1 manage 164.3 K 2011-04-13 - 11:00 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf VO-DAnce.pdf r1 manage 332.1 K 2011-04-12 - 11:56 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf VO-ICE_PManzato.pdf r1 manage 579.2 K 2011-04-13 - 08:35 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf WD-PhotDM-0.3-20110407.pdf r1 manage 559.6 K 2011-04-12 - 18:13 UnknownUser current version of Phot DM under discussion
PDFpdf photomDescription.pdf r1 manage 605.1 K 2011-04-12 - 10:05 UnknownUser Photometric Data Measurements Descriptions
PDFpdf questionPhot-2011april13.pdf r1 manage 37.5 K 2011-04-13 - 20:38 UnknownUser Discussion on Photometry DM 0.3 and other photometry docs
PDFpdf tapcat.pdf r1 manage 94.5 K 2011-04-12 - 16:41 UnknownUser TOPCAT TAP client talk
PDFpdf websamp.pdf r1 manage 198.3 K 2011-04-12 - 16:42 UnknownUser SAMP Web Profile talk
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